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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

WWDC 2010

Resently Apple inc had announced that they will be having there world wide developers confrence on june 7th. this is a big year for apple becasue they have just released there new product the ipad. but recently an iphone 4g has been found and brought up the idea that a new iphone will be released at the confrecne. the biggest news is that steve jobs will be the one giving apples keynote speach which is very strange because he has not been feeling very well.

I think that this is the start of apples donimation of the world along will google. this will be a great year for apple stock holders. this event always leads to some new kind of product being released. we can only wait and see what this will bring us.

Robots to begin cuts to gushing well

This week BP oil company plans on sending robots down to the ocean floor. these robots will be responsible for installing the new cap that has been speacialy engineered to fit the oil spill. this oil cap will either make the oil stop or capture almost all of it. the robots will be using dimond blades so that they can make a clean cut and not have to worry about oil sneaking out that way. BP officails met will president obama this week to determine the best way to keep oil spills from happening again. BP just realesed information sugestining that they have been completly responsilbe for the spill and that the clean up has caused them to spent about 990 million dollors in the proscess.

I think that the robots will have a much better chance this time because they are pumping warm water into the bottom so that ice cystals will not form and cause their plans to work. plus this time they have had many failures so they will have been able to perfect there final design. hopefully this works and we will see the end of the oil spill to come. but even if the oil spill ends there will be much work to do yet becasue there is still lots of oil in the ocean that is affecting the animals and fish.