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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Obama to send more troops

today president Obama was rumored to be planning to send 1200 more troops to the United states mexico border to contain the growing imigration issuse. he will ask for for 500 million for this project. this will help stop the massive increase of population due to illegal imigrants. Mccaign said that it is simply not enough to just get 1200 troops he stated that at least 3000 troops would be needed.

I think that the additional number of troops on the mexican border is a must do. i beleive this not because i hate that mexicans are coming into the country but becasuse they are doing it illegaly. if they would just learn english and take the required tests to get into the country. this could maybe solve everything. but i highly dought that it will do that. this is the first step to a new begining

Friday, May 21, 2010

Gulf oil spill

On earth day the oil company BP had a pipe that was nearly one mile down in the water. the pipe bursted and is leaking nearly fourhundred thousan gallons of oil a day in to the ocean. they engineers of bp have devised a plan to take a metal box and place it on top of the pipe forcing the oil to drain into it where a long tube could be used to collect the oil by pumping it into a oil tanker on the surface. they have done this before and it worked but this was in an area where the water was half as deep.

I think that the device will not work because it is so deep down and they have no way of dirrecting it downward so it will be all done by robots. this will be a very difficult thing to do with all of the currents and waves on that move the ocean. but however if they do succed this will be a maricle and save millions of animals lives. if they do not stop it soon it will be to late to do anything and we could be left will a mess that killed the ocean.