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Friday, April 30, 2010

Putting welfare to work

In the year 2005 the goverment took a servay of how many of the poverty people were actually making less that the goverments poverty level. In this study it was found that 43% of the people who where in poverty where making less than half of what the goverment classifyed as poverty. This is hurting our counrty in its drive for globalization. If the goverment can lower the number of TANF cases in the united states even a little bit this can be classifyed as a source of success.

I think that the goverment needs to be paying more attention to the standards of living of these people and try to truely understand what there lives are like so that they can provide the propor need that they need. I believe that President Barrack Obama is doing this. He has been able to change many things in his short time in office. He is creating millions of jobs so that the average people can come out of poverty and avoide the nasty forclosure. Article

Other articles:

Boosting the minimum

Everything being unequal

Monday, April 5, 2010

Apple anouncment April 8th

Today Apple Computers corporation announced that they will be holding a convention where they will be anoncing the next generation of the iphone. This is only a few days after the shipping of the ipad. it is expected come in two models one featureing gsm technology and one that works with cdma which is what verizon uses. the wall street journal said that there was going to be two and they will be released this summer.

i think that this is amazing news. this will allow many new custumers to get an iphone. however this may not be the best for att because they will not have exclusive rights to the phone. i personaly will be getting one for verizon if it does come out.