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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

WWDC 2010

Resently Apple inc had announced that they will be having there world wide developers confrence on june 7th. this is a big year for apple becasue they have just released there new product the ipad. but recently an iphone 4g has been found and brought up the idea that a new iphone will be released at the confrecne. the biggest news is that steve jobs will be the one giving apples keynote speach which is very strange because he has not been feeling very well.

I think that this is the start of apples donimation of the world along will google. this will be a great year for apple stock holders. this event always leads to some new kind of product being released. we can only wait and see what this will bring us.

Robots to begin cuts to gushing well

This week BP oil company plans on sending robots down to the ocean floor. these robots will be responsible for installing the new cap that has been speacialy engineered to fit the oil spill. this oil cap will either make the oil stop or capture almost all of it. the robots will be using dimond blades so that they can make a clean cut and not have to worry about oil sneaking out that way. BP officails met will president obama this week to determine the best way to keep oil spills from happening again. BP just realesed information sugestining that they have been completly responsilbe for the spill and that the clean up has caused them to spent about 990 million dollors in the proscess.

I think that the robots will have a much better chance this time because they are pumping warm water into the bottom so that ice cystals will not form and cause their plans to work. plus this time they have had many failures so they will have been able to perfect there final design. hopefully this works and we will see the end of the oil spill to come. but even if the oil spill ends there will be much work to do yet becasue there is still lots of oil in the ocean that is affecting the animals and fish.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Obama to send more troops

today president Obama was rumored to be planning to send 1200 more troops to the United states mexico border to contain the growing imigration issuse. he will ask for for 500 million for this project. this will help stop the massive increase of population due to illegal imigrants. Mccaign said that it is simply not enough to just get 1200 troops he stated that at least 3000 troops would be needed.

I think that the additional number of troops on the mexican border is a must do. i beleive this not because i hate that mexicans are coming into the country but becasuse they are doing it illegaly. if they would just learn english and take the required tests to get into the country. this could maybe solve everything. but i highly dought that it will do that. this is the first step to a new begining

Friday, May 21, 2010

Gulf oil spill

On earth day the oil company BP had a pipe that was nearly one mile down in the water. the pipe bursted and is leaking nearly fourhundred thousan gallons of oil a day in to the ocean. they engineers of bp have devised a plan to take a metal box and place it on top of the pipe forcing the oil to drain into it where a long tube could be used to collect the oil by pumping it into a oil tanker on the surface. they have done this before and it worked but this was in an area where the water was half as deep.

I think that the device will not work because it is so deep down and they have no way of dirrecting it downward so it will be all done by robots. this will be a very difficult thing to do with all of the currents and waves on that move the ocean. but however if they do succed this will be a maricle and save millions of animals lives. if they do not stop it soon it will be to late to do anything and we could be left will a mess that killed the ocean.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Putting welfare to work

In the year 2005 the goverment took a servay of how many of the poverty people were actually making less that the goverments poverty level. In this study it was found that 43% of the people who where in poverty where making less than half of what the goverment classifyed as poverty. This is hurting our counrty in its drive for globalization. If the goverment can lower the number of TANF cases in the united states even a little bit this can be classifyed as a source of success.

I think that the goverment needs to be paying more attention to the standards of living of these people and try to truely understand what there lives are like so that they can provide the propor need that they need. I believe that President Barrack Obama is doing this. He has been able to change many things in his short time in office. He is creating millions of jobs so that the average people can come out of poverty and avoide the nasty forclosure. Article

Other articles:

Boosting the minimum

Everything being unequal

Monday, April 5, 2010

Apple anouncment April 8th

Today Apple Computers corporation announced that they will be holding a convention where they will be anoncing the next generation of the iphone. This is only a few days after the shipping of the ipad. it is expected come in two models one featureing gsm technology and one that works with cdma which is what verizon uses. the wall street journal said that there was going to be two and they will be released this summer.

i think that this is amazing news. this will allow many new custumers to get an iphone. however this may not be the best for att because they will not have exclusive rights to the phone. i personaly will be getting one for verizon if it does come out.

Friday, March 26, 2010

health care

last week president obamas health care bill passed both the senate and the house. the reconsiliation bill was also signed with the new changes being agreed on. this will allow the bill to be passed on to the president.

I think that this is a great acomplishment for our country as a whole becasue it will benifit us. this bill will give 32 million more americans health care. which means more people will not be deniged the right to get medical treatment when they need it most. this will allow our country to prosper and become even stronger. i think that it is great news to hear that now that i can stay on my parents health care untill im 26 years of age this will save me a lot of money and help me get through school.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

War Dollors

When we go to war with another country who is to pay for it? The anwer is tax payers. the people who put their hard earned money to the goverments expences. Our goverment spends billions of dollors and costs millions of lives during times of war. By doing this we add to our deficit and to our debt that is around 12 trillion dollars. the person that we chose to do this is our president which we chose every four years. right now it is president Obama.
i would have to state my opinon on the issure and it would be that i am against this issue. i do not agree with the goverment spending billions of dollars on a war we cant win. in an article i read they were talking about how the goverment is increasing its amount of money that goes into war. they said that the cost to win a war has significantly increased over the years and it will only get worse as time goes on. here is the article.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New apple tablet?

Apple CEO Steve Jobs is said to have taken an active role in the development of the company's rumored tablet device.
In recent news apples CEO Steve Jobs is said to be unvailing a new product on wednesday the 27th of january. This new product has been rumored to be a "tablet like computer". It will cost around 1000 dollors and will redesign the way that we look at computers. Blogs and people close to Apple have been reponsible for the leak of this device. Many people thought that the product would be unvailed at the electronics expo at the beginging of the year but rumors have been that they did not want to share the stage with there competition. By showing it off at there own expo they will have everones eyes on them. Speculation has also been talking about a new 4g iphone which could work on a verizon network. Also an update to itunes will more than likely ocure because this new tablet will be able to use Ebooks.
My opinion is that Apple has come a long way and this new computer will more than likely revolutionize the way we use computers. they will be the first one out with a new and unike computer. I am also very curious to see what all the compotion over the new iphone is. if it does indeed come out on a 4g network this will open the playbook up for many networks such as verizon who is currently modifiying its network to the newest network. possible putting them in the fastest speed possible by a phone taking the title instead of at&t.